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vineri, 19 septembrie 2008
Un EMO urmareste fotbalul
luni, 15 septembrie 2008
EMO girls video
Colaj cu pictoriale EMO girls & boys YOUTUBE
poze emo // created at http://animoto.com
poze emo // created at http://animoto.com
Istoria EMO
La inceput (1985-1994) termenul de ‘emo’ era folosit in muzica, acesta fiind un subgen al rockului. Pe parcursul anilor, acest cuvant cunoaste un domeniu vast de intrebuintari.
Ascultatorii acestui gen de muzica au devenit ‘emo-kids’, felul in care se imbraca a devenit ‘emo-style’, felul in care se machiaza ‘emo make-up’ si presupun ca modul in care reactioneaza ‘emo-acting’.
‘Emotional’ a fost folosit pentru a descrie trupe precum :
A Fire Inside ( AFI )
Fall Out Boy
Funeral for a Friend
My Chemical Romance
Panic! at the disco
Taking back Sunday
Acestea au fost etichetate drept emo din diferite motive precum:
ritmul cantecelor
semnificatiile versurilor
modul de a se imbraca sau machia a cantaretilor etc.
Multi fani nu sunt deloc de acord cu felul in care idolii lor sunt catalogati, negand cu desavarsire faptul ca acestia ar canta muzica “emo”.
Intr-un interviu, chiar Guy Picciotto, intrebat fiind cum se simte precum ‘creatorului genului de muzica emo’, a raspuns: ‘‘Nu recunosc aceasta atributie. Intotdeauna am crezut ca este cel mai retardat termen inventat .Stiu ca toate trupele urasc sa fie astfel etichetate. Se simt ofensati. Dar sincer, consider ca toate trupele din care am facut parte au fost punk-rock. Pentru mine nu are absolut niciun sens.”
“Se imbraca exclusiv in negru, refuza orice urma de dragalasenie, sunt teribilisti si le place sa-si picteze unghiile in negru” - asa ar descrie una dintre sutele de definitii din The Urban Dictionary notiunea de Emo Kid.
EMO love quotes
"Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives."
~ Louise Hay
"Lust is what makes you keep wanting it, even when you have no desire to be with each other. Love is what makes you keep wanting to be with each other, even when you have no desire to do it."
~ Judith Viorst
"No disguise can long conceal love where it exists, or long feign it where it is lacking."
~ Francois La Rochefoucauld
"PASSIONS are liken'd best to floods and streams:
The shallow murmur, but the deep are dumb;
So, when affection yields discourse, it seems
The bottom is but shallow whence they come.
They that are rich in words, in words discover
That they are poor in that which makes a lover."
~ Sir Walter Raleigh
"Bitterness imprisons life; love releases it. Bitterness paralyzes life; love empowers it. Bitterness sours life; love sweetens it. Bitterness sickens life; love heals it. Bitterness blinds life; love anoints its eyes."
~ Harry Emerson Fosdick
"Real love is a permanently self-enlarging experience. Falling in love is not."
~ M. Scott Peck
"Love vanquishes time. To lovers, a moment can be eternity, eternity can be the tick of a clock."
~ Mary Parrish
"Love cures people, the ones who receive love and the ones who give it, too."
~ Karl A Menninger
"To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides."
~ David Viscott
"It is impossible to repent of love. The sin of love does not exist."
~ Muriel Spark
"Quarrels in France strengthen a love affair, in America they end it."
~ Ned Rorem
"Let those love now who never loved before; Let those who always loved, now love the more."
~ Thomas Parnell
~ Louise Hay
"Lust is what makes you keep wanting it, even when you have no desire to be with each other. Love is what makes you keep wanting to be with each other, even when you have no desire to do it."
~ Judith Viorst
"No disguise can long conceal love where it exists, or long feign it where it is lacking."
~ Francois La Rochefoucauld
"PASSIONS are liken'd best to floods and streams:
The shallow murmur, but the deep are dumb;
So, when affection yields discourse, it seems
The bottom is but shallow whence they come.
They that are rich in words, in words discover
That they are poor in that which makes a lover."
~ Sir Walter Raleigh
"Bitterness imprisons life; love releases it. Bitterness paralyzes life; love empowers it. Bitterness sours life; love sweetens it. Bitterness sickens life; love heals it. Bitterness blinds life; love anoints its eyes."
~ Harry Emerson Fosdick
"Real love is a permanently self-enlarging experience. Falling in love is not."
~ M. Scott Peck
"Love vanquishes time. To lovers, a moment can be eternity, eternity can be the tick of a clock."
~ Mary Parrish
"Love cures people, the ones who receive love and the ones who give it, too."
~ Karl A Menninger
"To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides."
~ David Viscott
"It is impossible to repent of love. The sin of love does not exist."
~ Muriel Spark
"Quarrels in France strengthen a love affair, in America they end it."
~ Ned Rorem
"Let those love now who never loved before; Let those who always loved, now love the more."
~ Thomas Parnell
Cultura EMO
Genul si subcultura EMO au devenit ceva greu de definit, din cauza acestui lucru e greu sa ii depistam radacinile.
Multi oamenii care pretind "ca stiu" citeaza scena D.C. harcore/punk si mai specific formatia Rites of Spring ca fondatorii Emo, dar istoria ne-a aratat ca e pripit sa acordam formarea unui gen unei anumite formatii.
Uitandu-ne la scenele muzicale de la sfarsitu anilor '80 si inceputul anilor '90 putem determina mai bine radacinile si influentele care au dat nastere si inca influenteaza genul si subcultura emo .
Inainte de a intelege de unde vine "emo" trebuie mai intai sa intelegem ce este astazi.
"Prefer sa ma gandesc la el (emo) ca un punk rock care e mai melodic si introspectiv/depresiv decat hardcore,dar totusi cu tendintele de energie primara si furie" (DeRogatis 1).
Acest gen de muzica a creat o subcultura si de atunci a crescut continuu adica de la inceputul anilor '90.Majoritatea copiilor arata ca tocilarii:poarta ochelarii negri,taioare lungi si haine ieftine.
Este foarte usor sa stereotipezi un pusti emo,desi ironic nu poti defini muzica emo. Cel mai bun mod de a descrie muzica emo este prin arpegiile usoare ale chitarilor cu vocalize usoare la care se da drumu intr o orchestra de chitari distorsionate si aduse dupa aceea din nou la partea usoara.Verusirle emo sunt in general foarte poetice si au o arie de la iubirea pierduta la credinte religioase sau alte subiecte emotionale,totusi, emo acopera in zilele noastre o mare varietate de formatii,de la melodii usoare a celor de la "American Football" la melodii hard de la "At the drive in" . Cum poate un gen asa de larg sa fie legat de ceva?
Problema e ca ce o persoana defineste ca muzica emo nu este aceiasi ca a urmatoarei,totul depinde de punctul tau de vedere.
Jason Gnewikow de la "The Promise Ring" zice foarte bine "As putea valida punctul ca suntem o formatie emo dar as putea trece si pe partea cealalta si sa il invalidez.Totul depinde de cine intreaba si perceptia lor despre asta" (DeRogatis 3).
Perceptia de fatada provine de la formatia "Sunny Day Real Estate",aparuta in Seattle in 1992,SDRE au combinat radacinele hardcore cu vocalize meloddice si un sentiment "rasarit".Lansarea in 1994 a albumului "Diary" avea sa schimbe pentru totodeauna scena emo.
"A aparut de nicunde si a schimbat vietile oamenilor" (Kurland 2) zice Jeremy Gomez,basist pentru formatia "Mineral" .
"Cei mai multi oamenii cand se gandesc la emo azi se gandesc la formatiile The Get UP Kids,Mineral,si altele ca provin din SDRE".
Multi oameni au zis ca Sunny Day nu ar fi emo deloc,ei sustin ca emo ar fi provenint din genul D.C gardcore/punk si ca formatia "Rites of Spring" a fost un grup hardcore melodic,dar ceea ce a diferentiat-o a fost subiectul cantecelor sale.In loc sa cante despre revolutie si manie,Picciotto canta despre iubirea pierduta si amintiri uitate.In timp ce ROS a facut mai melodic hardcore/punk, sigur nu au fost primi,si sigur nu au fost prima formatie harcore/punk care sa concentrat pe versuri de acest gen.
Tot curentul hardcore/punk mergea in aceasta directie.Un articol Rolling Stone din 1985 citeaza trendul crescand "Punkul primar a trecut..au invatat cum sa cante la instrumente,au descoperit solourile de chitara melodica si versuri care au un mesaj politic evident".
Formatii ca "Husker Du" au pionierat noile ramuri din hardcore/punk.
"In ultimii 2 ani,Husker Du a confundat punkul razboinic si liniile in principal de rock cu rapida evolutie a gunoiului,recombinat cu structuri de pop,si versuri cu sentimente speriate"
ROS a scos un album si un EP;au rezistat mai putin de 2 ani si au cantat in 14 concerte.Liderul trupei Guy Picciotta a facut dupa aceea formatia "Fugazi",care a preluat din ceea ce a pornit ROS si a dus mai departe.
Totusi doar "partial Fugazi a mostenit ROS si au continuat mai departe desi muzica lor nu a mai fost asa de sentimentala.Acest lucru va cadea in sarcina viitoarelor formatii care au adus curentul emo la ce este astazi".
Chiar daca influenta pe care "Fugazi" si "Washinghton D.C." asupra emo au fost substantiale,emo asa cum il stiam azi nu a derivat numai din hardcore.Ceea ce este mai deranjant este faptul ca cei care incearca sa ii faca o istorie curentului emo lasa o mare groapa in istorie intre "D.C. Dischord sound" care erau la jumatatea catre finalul anilor 80 si SDRE care erau la jumatatea anilor '90.
Dar cum a ajuns emo acolo?
Presupun ca a fost o casatorie intre hardcore si indie rock iar grunge-ul ( gen muzical ) pe post de tatal miresei,platind pt toata nunta.
In timp ce formatii ca "Rites of Spring" si "Hüsker Dü" explorau noi teritorii pe scena hardcore,o formatie numita "Sonic Youth" transforma scena indie/underground.
"Sonic Youth a folosit pe post de momeala acordurile de chitara,dar a combinat melodicitatea si structura conventionala cu luni pasaje de pauza,acorduri stranii de chitara si atmosfera infricosatoare".Releasul din 1987 a lui Sister va avea o mare influenta asupra albumului.
Comunitatea romaneasca EMOTIONS, are si un forum. Dezi vizitat de doar circa 500 de persoane pe zi, forumul EMO romanesc va creste cu timpul, datorita numarului tot mai mare de EMO din Romania.
Forumul EMO KIDS se gaseste la urmatoarea adresa:
Subiectele discutate in primul FORUM EMO din Romania sunt in general despre muzica ascultata, hainele imbracate, frizuri si Topul MODEI EMOISTILOR.
Intrebari EMO TEST
Pragateste-te si fa un EMO TEST. Afli pe loc daca esti sau nu EMO, sau daca esti pe cale de a deveni un emo.
Intrebariile unui test emo sunt de varsta, sex, imbracaminte, felul de a gandi asupra ta, cum te vad celelalte persoane, tipul relatii sexuale pe care le ai, genul de muzica pe care il asculti, emotiile pe care le traiesti.
Stilul emo - EMO style
Curentul EMO in Romania, creste in ritm ametitor, mai ales in randul adolescentilor de 12-16 ani.
Despre EMO s-a scris foarte mult in ultimul timp.
Cuvantul emo a inundat blogurile, ziarele si televiziunile. EMO se vinde foarte bine in ziua de astazi.
Credem ca foarte multi emo-kids, care sunt la curent cu stiri despre ei din toate partile, si asta duce la un motiv de satisfactie si accelerarea cresterii numarului de persoane EMO.
Apartenenta la curentul emo
In Romania, tot mai multi tineri cu varsta cuprinsa intre 12-20 ani, adopta moda emo, stilul emo si freza emo. Cei mai multi dintre acestia adopta insa si stilul de viata emo.
EMO sunt in general tristi, retrasi, introvertiti, melancolici, antisociali.
Uneori un emo se taie sau face lucruri iesite din comun, doar din teribilism sau pentru ca-i la moda.
Freze EMO
Poze EMO
Video EMO
Despre EMO s-a scris foarte mult in ultimul timp.
Cuvantul emo a inundat blogurile, ziarele si televiziunile. EMO se vinde foarte bine in ziua de astazi.
Credem ca foarte multi emo-kids, care sunt la curent cu stiri despre ei din toate partile, si asta duce la un motiv de satisfactie si accelerarea cresterii numarului de persoane EMO.
Apartenenta la curentul emo
In Romania, tot mai multi tineri cu varsta cuprinsa intre 12-20 ani, adopta moda emo, stilul emo si freza emo. Cei mai multi dintre acestia adopta insa si stilul de viata emo.
EMO sunt in general tristi, retrasi, introvertiti, melancolici, antisociali.
Uneori un emo se taie sau face lucruri iesite din comun, doar din teribilism sau pentru ca-i la moda.
Freze EMO
Poze EMO
Video EMO
www.hi5.com - preferatul EMO
Fetele EMO si baieti EMO prefera sa isi puna pozele si descrierea lor despre viata pe HI5.
www.hi5.com este cel mai social site din lume.
Pe website-ul hi5, utilizatorii isi pot face un profil, unde pot pune informatii precum: descriere fizica, varsta, interese, pot pune poze. Utilizatorii pot interactiona unii cu ceilalti prin intermediul comenturilor de fotografii, mesaje, five-uri sau alte tool-uri.
Utilizand mail-ul utilizatorii isi pot trmite unii celorlalti cereri de prietenie, care daca sunt acceptate acesti utilizatori vor fi practic conectati unul cu altul. Utilizatorii isi pot face cercuri de prieteni, o lista cu cei mai buni prieteni si pot vedea si prieteii prietenilor sai.
www.hi5.com a avut o crestere exponentiala de utilizatori in ultima vreme, crestere care continua, in Romania acest lucru se numeste febra hi5.
Cei mai multi romani au HI5, si foarte putini mai folosesc site-uri precum sentimente, matrimoniale sau escort.
TEST EMO - Afla cat de EMO esti tu
Acest test emo nou arata in procente cat de EMO girls sau EMO boys esti.
Specialisti EMO din Romania au constatat ca este un test foarte bun si cu intrebari destul de relevante ca sa poate sa iti dea rezultat daca esti sau nu esti emo.
Cei care se considera emo kids probabil ca vor avea undeva peste 70-80% ... iar 0% nu cred ca va face nimeni, eventual Conan Barbarul .
Faceti-va si voi testul sa vedezi cat de emo sunteti.
Testul emo se poate face aici
Freze EMO
Poze EMO
duminică, 14 septembrie 2008
hot emo girls / scene hair
first song avril- innocence
second song avril- hot
first song avril- innocence
second song avril- hot
Crazy emo girls kiss
Some crazy emo girls kiss! :)
emo kiss kissing kisses hot girls goth punk makeout
Some crazy emo girls kiss! :)
emo kiss kissing kisses hot girls goth punk makeout
stupid emo girl trying to mosh
ok all u hater! well u can say whatever u want! we are just having fun, and this was taken like a year ago! we both totally have changed! this is a JOKE! you seriously think this was for real!!!???! well i personly think its funny, and retarted
Hot Emo Girls Kissing
Hot kissing action from these emo girls in their underwear.
More like this at http://www.ellenfan.com
More like this at http://www.ellenfan.com
Canadian Emo Girl Doesn't Get It
Compares her fashion choices to being born black. Starts crying over a news report. Thinks that dressing like an idiot makes her part of something big. Thinks she'll one day get a job other than serving fries. And, hysterically, forgot her medication.
Scene Girls
A slideshow made up of pictures of scene girls and one of me ^^ I'm pretty sure I did not put a guy in this one (I'm crossing my fingers) sorry Izzy! My deepest apologies if I offended you in any way. I also do not think I mixed up emo and scene girls again. Whew. Well I got ALL of these pictures off of photobucket so don't sue me if there are pictures of you, sue them and those pictures are open for the public (me) to use ^^ Enjoy
emo girls with their emo hair cuts scene hair cuts too
with all new pictures
hope ya'll like it
this are the songs bevore ya'll gonna ask me xD ;
Rilo Kiley - Breakin'Up
Lindsey Lohan - What are you waiting for
with all new pictures
hope ya'll like it
this are the songs bevore ya'll gonna ask me xD ;
Rilo Kiley - Breakin'Up
Lindsey Lohan - What are you waiting for
emo panties girls
PunkBooty - 18/bi/female My favorite hot ass chicks $ unsigned bands (NO NUDITY )!!. You tube deleted my last post, so I edited the vid and took out any pics that seemed too sexy ... thongs ass boobs and almost naked ... etc. this is not porn ! no young chicks under eight teen ! no xxx ! there is only bikini underware panties and booty in tight pants .. not sure why they deleted the last one but i hope this one is ok :)
big bands i like - paramore all time low nofx my chemical ok go romance rise against metallica pantera underoath panic avril akon soulja boy punk dance screamo ska emo etc
big bands i like - paramore all time low nofx my chemical ok go romance rise against metallica pantera underoath panic avril akon soulja boy punk dance screamo ska emo etc
Antwort auf Emo Girl
Offizielle Stellungnahme xD
von Angie und Kurt aka Knut
MSN: mok_da_shok@hotmail.de
icq: 192 122 313
von Angie und Kurt aka Knut
MSN: mok_da_shok@hotmail.de
icq: 192 122 313
Emo Barbie Girl
This is DaddysLittleDefect showing her emo side while singing a not so emo song lol
EMO BARBIE GIRL RESPONDS: http://youtube.com/watch?v=MOCWHy6owK...
EMO BARBIE GIRL RESPONDS: http://youtube.com/watch?v=MOCWHy6owK...
emo haircuts / scene hair girls
my 4th vid. of emo haircuts and scene hair enjoy.. ^_^
avril lavigne - runaway
my 4th vid. of emo haircuts and scene hair enjoy.. ^_^
avril lavigne - runaway
scene emo hair girls cut haircuts hot beautiful gorgous chick chicks scenehairstyle
Emo Girls Dear Whoever - Security Without Doubt
Emo girls from Russia,Lithuania,USA,UK and more...
song - Dear Whoever - Security Without Doubt
song - Dear Whoever - Security Without Doubt
scene-hair / emo hair..
Seo Jin Young - hey boy
the hush sound - wine red
yes- R - n'beetje verliefd
Seo Jin Young - hey boy
the hush sound - wine red
yes- R - n'beetje verliefd
KiSs Me [ Emo kiss Part Six ]
NobodyLoseInThisGameProduction © All Rights Reserved.
Please add my myspace : 192272515
Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel !! ^_^
Yeah, here is the sixth part of Emo boys and girls making out. Hope you'll like it. And sorry I spent more time to create this one, but I didn't know which song to put.
Plz if you don't like don't watch, otherwise add me and subscribe!
The song is from My Chemical Romance 'This is How I Disappear'
Metaladdict Prod.
Honors on the 15th of december
#22 - Most Discussed (Today) - United Kingdom
#4 - Most Discussed (Today) - Entertainment - United Kingdom
#82 - Most Discussed (This Week) - Entertainment - United Kingdom
#91 - Most Viewed (Today) - United Kingdom
#49 - Most Viewed (Today) - Entertainment - United Kingdom
#8 - Top Favorites (Today) - United Kingdom
#5 - Top Favorites (Today) - Entertainment - United Kingdom
#67 - Top Favorites (This Week) - Entertainment - United Kingdom
#36 - Top Rated (Today) - United Kingdom
#13 - Top Rated (Today) - Entertainment - United Kingdom
#84 - Top Rated (This Week) - Entertainment - United Kingdom
Honors December-January
#83 - Most Discussed (This Month) - Entertainment - United Kingdom
#43 - Top Favorites (This Month) - Entertainment - United Kingdom
#69 - Top Rated (This Month) - Entertainment - United Kingdom
Please add my myspace : 192272515
Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel !! ^_^
Yeah, here is the sixth part of Emo boys and girls making out. Hope you'll like it. And sorry I spent more time to create this one, but I didn't know which song to put.
Plz if you don't like don't watch, otherwise add me and subscribe!
The song is from My Chemical Romance 'This is How I Disappear'
Metaladdict Prod.
Honors on the 15th of december
#22 - Most Discussed (Today) - United Kingdom
#4 - Most Discussed (Today) - Entertainment - United Kingdom
#82 - Most Discussed (This Week) - Entertainment - United Kingdom
#91 - Most Viewed (Today) - United Kingdom
#49 - Most Viewed (Today) - Entertainment - United Kingdom
#8 - Top Favorites (Today) - United Kingdom
#5 - Top Favorites (Today) - Entertainment - United Kingdom
#67 - Top Favorites (This Week) - Entertainment - United Kingdom
#36 - Top Rated (Today) - United Kingdom
#13 - Top Rated (Today) - Entertainment - United Kingdom
#84 - Top Rated (This Week) - Entertainment - United Kingdom
Honors December-January
#83 - Most Discussed (This Month) - Entertainment - United Kingdom
#43 - Top Favorites (This Month) - Entertainment - United Kingdom
#69 - Top Rated (This Month) - Entertainment - United Kingdom
Boys Like Girls - Thunder music video
My first vid is for the song Thunder by Boys Like Girls. An amzaing song, just listen to the lyrics. I expect you enjoy it! ;)
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